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Computes the global hydrological balance of a water basin from the measurements of water level, outflows, and precipitation/evapotranspiration. For analyzing Albufera data, you should not need to directly run this function, and you can instead use the albufera_hb_global wrapper, that calls hb_global() with the right arguments, extracted from the built-in datasets.


  storage_curve = erahumed::linear_storage_curve(slope = 1, intercept = 0),
  petp_surface = erahumed::linear_petp_surface(surface_P = 1, surface_ETP = 1)



numeric vector. Time series of lake levels, in meters.


numeric vector. Time series of precipitation values, in millimiters.


numeric vector. Time series of evapotranspiration values, in millimiters.


a data.frame whose columns are the time series of outflows, expressed in cube meters per second.


additional columns to be appended in the returned data-frame. Each of these additional (named) arguments should be a vector of the same length implied by the previous arguments.


a function that takes a numeric vector as input, and returns a numeric vector of the same length. Function that converts lake levels (passed through the level argument) into lake volumes.


a function that takes two numeric vectors of common length as inputs, and returns a numeric vector of the same length. Function that converts precipitation and evapotranspiration values (passed through the rain_mm and evapotranspiration_mm arguments) into an overall volume change.


An object of class hb_global, a lightweight wrapper of data.frame with a few additional visualization methods (most prominently plot.hb_global). The underlying data-frame contains as columns the input time series, as well as the following calculated columns:

  • volume Volume time series, obtained from the storage curve.

  • volume_change Differenced time series of volume. The \(n\)-th is given by \(\Delta V _n \equiv V_{n+1}-V_n\), where \(V_n\) is volume at time step \(n\).

  • petp_change Time series. The amount \(\Delta V _n ^\text{P-ETP}\) of volume change due to precipitation and evapotranspiration, obtained from the P-ETP surface.

  • outflow_total Time series of total outflows, measured in cube meters per second. This is the sum \(\sum _i O_i\) of time series passed through the outflows argument, plus an extra term \(\delta O\) of unaccounted outflow. The correction term is defined by \(\delta O = \frac{\Delta V _n - \Delta V _n ^\text{P-ETP}}{24 \times 60 \times 60} -\sum _i O_i\) and is chosen in such a way to ensure that the total inflow is always non-negative.

  • outflow_extra Time series. The unaccounted outflow term \(\delta O\) described above.

  • inflow_total Time serie of total inflows, in cube meters per second. This is computed as \(I = \sum _{i} O_i + \delta O + \frac{\Delta V _n - \Delta V _n ^\text{P-ETP}}{24 \times 60 \times 60}\).

  • residence_time_days. Residence time, as modeled by hbg_residence_time.