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Creates a (homogeneous) linear fucntion that computes volume daily changes due to precipitation and evapotranspiration as \(\Delta V = \Delta h_\text{P} \cdot S_\text{P} - \Delta h_\text{ETP} \cdot S_\text{ETP}\), where \(\Delta h _\text{P,ETP}\) are precipitation and evapotranspiration in expressed in millimiters, and \(S_{\text{P,ETP}}\) are effective surfaces.


linear_petp_surface(surface_P, surface_ETP)


surface_P, surface_ETP

positive numbers. The effective surfaces ( expressed in \(\text{m}^2\)) for volume changes due to precipitation and evapotranspiration (see description).


A function with signature function(P, ETP), whose arguments are assumed to be numeric vectors, that computes volumes changes due to precipitation and evapotranspiration, according to the prescribed linear relationship.


Pablo Amador Crespo, Valerio Gherardi